How to Take Responsibility for your Energy

The energy that you bring matters. Anyone else agree? This is something that has been on my mind for a while now. It has taken me a long time to begin to take responsibility for the energy that I bring-to each place I go, every situation I am in, and every person I encounter. I’ve often described myself as being an emotional sponge. What I mean by this is, that I tend to soak up the energy and tone of others instead of generating energy myself. If I am around someone who is negative, it is hard for me to be positive and I will likely be negative myself. If I am around someone who is unhappy, it tends to be harder for me to be happy. I’ve realized that this is entirely an excuse and that we have the ultimate control of the energy that we bring. Isn’t that powerful?!

Listen, I am not saying to not be yourself, and believe me I am certainly not saying to not be genuine. The reality is, we aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and we can’t do anything about that but we can still take responsibility for the energy we bring. I am an introvert, and therefore often misunderstood. I tend to be more quiet in big gatherings and I can take longer to get to know. Some days I tend to keep to myself even more. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t bring energy to a place, situation, or to others. The fact is, we all bring energy with us wherever we go and whoever we encounter. Why don’t we take this more seriously?

In the past few months, I’ve become increasingly aware of this and my ability to take responsibility for the energy I bring. It isn’t always easy, but it certainly feels better than being a so-called “emotional sponge”. Do I have it all figured out? Absolutely not, but I have encountered a few tips that are helping me along the way. Check them out!

  1. To bring good energy, you have to take care of your energy first
    Take care of yourself, and what naturally brings you good energy. For me, if I am never taking at least some time to be with myself, to read, to write, I will not be my best self when around others. Eating pretty well the majority of the time and sticking to my CrossFit regime also keep my energy in check. What about you?
  2. Be mindful of transitions throughout your day
    Each transition throughout your day is a chance to be mindful of your energy. Before you go into your workplace, or before you enter your home these are all moments we should take advantage of. I also think that a part of this requires being fully present wherever you are. How do you want to make others feel? How do you want to feel? What energy do you want to bring with you?
  3. Always think about how you want others to feel as a result of being around you
    If we all stop to think about this, I don’t believe any of us want to be known as the person always complaining, or the person who is always negative. We also don’t want to make others feel bad in general. If we don’t think about how we want others to feel as a result of being around us though, it is easy to miss the mark on this one.

It has been empowering for me to realize that I can take responsibility for the energy that I bring. I used to think that this was absolutely beyond my control, but it’s not. It has also taken me a while to accept how I recharge best. As an introvert, I do enjoy alone time. The insight and clarity that I get from a solo run or sitting by myself typing out ideas/thoughts is exactly what I need. Committing to taking time to recharge like this has allowed me to be more intentional about the energy that I bring. What about you? How do you best recharge your energy? Have you thought about the energy that you bring?

In the Spirit of Adventure,


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