How Do You Know When You’ve Found Your Dream?

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately thinking about my dreams and goals. This has me reflecting on how we know when we’ve found our dream. There’s a lot of talk about dreams and goals and sometimes I think this talk is really centered around something far off in the future, or something that is just beyond your reach. How do you know when you’ve found it?

For me, it’s been a combination of things and I’m hoping that a few of them resonate with you too. First, what do you think about most in your free time? When you have free time and you can pretty much do whatever you would like, what do you spend your time doing? Really take the time to think about and monitor this. What brings you the most passion? I believe that our dreams and goals are always backed by passion.

Here’s another good realization I’ve recently come across. What would you wake up at 5 am for? What would you work on from 8-10:30 at night with no complaints, but actually feeling more energized by what you are doing? It may sound silly, but I really think this brings clarity. When I choose to think about this, the answers to these questions are very simple.

I think for too many of us, our greatest passions, dreams, and goals are not aligned with what we are actually doing with our time and with our life. That’s why I created Start Going Further in the first place. Start Going Further is my mantra and my North Star. These words are what guides me and keeps me striving toward my greatest ambitions in life. Instead of viewing my dreams as out of reach, start going further reminds me to take actionable steps toward my greatest self and to really live that out.

In the Spirit of Adventure,


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