Stop Playing it Safe: Why Going for it will Make You Happier

Donnie and Rue in Aspen, CO

I came across this quote on Instagram and couldn’t get it out of my head. “Stop being patient and start asking yourself, how do I accomplish my ten year plan in 6 months? You’ll probably fail, but you’ll be a lot further along than the person who simply accepted it was going to take 10 years”-Tom Bilyeu. I’ve spent a lot of time playing it safe, and more or less choosing to live inside of my comfort zone. I feared what might be beyond my comfort zone because when you stop playing it safe you clearly take some risks. It has often seemed easier to follow a cookie cutter path, to not veer off at all. But I found myself envying so many people who did. I once was so proud of knowing exactly what I would do and what one-way straight path I was on, who was I becoming now? I started to view those that stopped playing it safe as really successful but more importantly truly happy.

Now I can’t imagine not having Start Going Further, and everything it encompasses. My blog posts, online candle shop, the message that I’m sharing and the brand/community I am building. It all means the absolute world to me and makes me truly happy. All of it was a risk though, and of course I’ve overcame a fair share of challenges. I think it has definitely been a few years now that I’ve dreamed of becoming a blogger. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. I really had to decide to stop playing it safe and to just go for it. What that brought me was an overflowing amount of happiness.

I want to inspire you and encourage you to stop playing it safe. Going for it is certain to make you happier, and just as Tom Bilyeu says, even if you fail you’ll probably end up further along anyway. As a planner and future-oriented person, it’s been hard for me to go for things in the moment. I want to plan 10 years down the road and I do see myself accomplishing exactly what I want to. The problem I’ve always had is starting today and really living in the moment. It may sound really scary to think about accomplishing our ten year plan in 6 months and it is probably unrealistic but the progress we can make is likely unreal.

In the words of the Nike slogan, seriously just do it! Stop playing it safe and go for it. Don’t just accept anything either, you can take control of your own life. Whatever it is that you want to learn or do, I bet that you can figure it out. If we really lived each day more like it may be our last I believe that we would go for it.

In the Spirit of Adventure,


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