My Top 6 Favorite Podcasts that I’m Always Listening To ?

I’ve listened to podcasts for a few years now, and honestly I wish I’d been listening my entire life. Podcasts are a great tool for personal and professional development, mental/spiritual health, and a way to learn new things. With an abundance of podcasts out there covering an even greater amount of topics, I am sure there is a podcast for you! In this post, I am sharing with you my top 6 podcasts. These are really the first podcasts I found and listened to, and they are still my favorite.

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is one my favorite authors. She’s from Kansas City, MO which is near where I went to college and lives in New York City now. I love her book, The Happiness Project. This book really changed my view of happiness. Since reading this book I’ve considered myself to be on a happiness journey. I’ve realized happiness is not a destination, and there is no one thing or milestone in life where we suddenly reach it. This podcast is full of happiness hacks and tidbits to help make your life better.

Chasing Excellence

Ben Bergeron is one of my favorites in the CrossFit world. He is an elite CrossFit athlete coach, and the owner of CrossFit New England. I love this podcast because I not only get great and practical CrossFit advice, but Ben provides so much more in the areas of nutrition, habits, lifestyle, and core values. He’s really helped change the way I think and he’s an expert at the mental game.

Elevation with Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick is by far my favorite pastor. Discovering his teachings, books, church, and podcast have truly changed my life in every way possible. I regularly watch his sermons and love listening to the podcast. He is relatable, honest, and makes you laugh. Through hard seasons I have played this podcast on repeat, and played several episodes over and over again-learning something new each time.

The Skinny Confidential Him & Her

Lauryn Evarts Bosstick and Michael Bosstick co-host this lifestyle podcast, and The Skinny Confidential is a blog created by Lauryn. Covering all sorts of life topics from relationships, starting a business, becoming parents, to beauty hacks and real life you will be sure to get “the skinny” on it all.

The Balanced Blonde // Soul on Fire

The Balanced Blonde is a podcast and blog created by Jordan Younger, and is about all things health and wellness. Listening to this podcast has created more openness in my life and given me new knowledge and perspective on spirituality and energy.

The Brendon Show

Brendon Burchard is an expert in personal development. He is enthusiastic and inspiring. His podcast provides useful career advice, personal development knowledge, and teaches you how to become unstoppable toward your goals. His book High Performance Habits is a favorite of mine, and I can’t wait to read more of his books.

Why Listen to Podcasts?

If we stop learning and growing, it means we are staying still. Each new day that God gives us, is a chance to become a better version of ourselves, to strive for more in our lives, and ultimately to be going further. Personal development is a huge priority for me and I’ve really become a different person by having this as a main focus in my life. Be sure to let me know if any of these podcasts resonate with you. Happy listening and learning!

In the Spirit of Adventure,


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