Adapt or die, that’s one of my favorite quotes from Tom Bilyeu. A little harsh? Maybe. But it’s true isn’t it? What really are our options in life? Especially when we’re facing something challenging or difficult. Our options are to toughen up, to be strong and courageous, to face what we’re fighting, to change, grow, evolve, and to keep on keeping on. The alternative is to crumble beneath it all, to throw in the towel, to give up and give in. I realize we’re all facing battles, some known and unknown, some seen by others and some unseen. We’re all facing a battle at any given time, and there are many battles we will fight throughout our life. That’s a part of the journey, a price we pay for being alive.
Life isn’t easy, and despite what some may think nobody’s life is easy. We all have our own version of hard, our own hard seasons. Life is full of many ups and downs. And the longer we live, the more hard seasons we will experience. We’re not in control of much. And oftentimes, we aren’t in control of the curveballs thrown our way. We can only control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. You may feel as if you can’t control all of your thoughts or feelings, and I agree. But when you have a thought or feeling that you know isn’t healthy or helpful—you can choose a new one.
You can always grow, you can always change, you can always evolve. That’s a mantra I repeat to myself almost daily. Just like Start Going Further. Start Going Further is an action, and it’s a continuous action. It’s a choice we have, and it’s a choice I would argue that we must make—if we are going to live our purpose, our lives to the fullest, and really soak up this life for all that it is while we are here on Earth.
I created Start Going Further just over 3 years ago. I realize it isn’t something I “created” though after all. It’s something I am “creating”, because it’s always evolving—just as I am. I’ve driven myself a little crazy at times, with my many iterations of my website, changing of my social media copy and style of my posts, and switching my email newsletter more times than I can count.
My greatest passion is knowing ourselves, understanding ourselves, and living out our purpose. Paired with prioritizing wellness—physical, mental, spiritual, that’s what I’m here for. I believe that my journey to help myself, has allowed me to help others. If I was only here for myself, Start Going Further wouldn’t exist. Because why would I have a website, blog, social media channels, email newsletter, and podcast if I didn’t care about you?
My hope is that by always striving to be genuine and authentic myself, I can inspire you to be free to do the same. If I am taking steps to Start Going Further, maybe you will be inspired to find your own ways to Start Going Further in your life. My content flows from whatever I am currently experiencing, learning, working on, and processing in my life. That’s why it will always be ever-evolving, changing, and growing. This may be something I’ve been self-conscious about in the past, but now I am embracing.
We should all be constantly evolving. You can always dream new dreams, do something different, and become someone new. You don’t have to stay the same, and you shouldn’t. You grow through what you go through. Through the waves and mountains of life, vow to yourself to constantly be evolving. Evolving is good, especially if you are always striving to become a higher version of yourself.
Here’s to evolving, a higher version of ourselves!