Live with Reverence for Life, Even in the Mundane

All too often I see people living only for their next planned vacation, with little care for any bit of their daily lives. The problem with this is, our daily life and routine adds up to be a whole lotta life! From what I see around me and even online, it seems like so many people are sleepwalking through life. Yikes. It’s not only about living for the weekend and the next planned vacation, it’s about not even being hardly present during any ordinary day (especially M-TH). If you mope on through your daily life, you end up moping on through your entire life. Choose to cultivate joy in the little things, and in each ordinary day. I promise it’s worth it.

I honestly feel very excited to write about this topic, because over the past two years I have been fine-tuning this in my own life. I used to not have any reverence for life. You could say I was sleepwalking. I just didn’t get it, finding the joy in the ordinary. I’ve talked about this recently, but if you really struggle to find any amount of joy in your daily life—maybe you’re not doing what you’re meant to be doing. Because what has also happened to me over the past two years, is really becoming aligned with what I call my “highest self” and pursuing what I believe is my true purpose (writing) in this world. I do enjoy my daily life, and I am honestly happy with what I’m up to. We have to like what we’re up to, or of course it’s going to be almost impossible to have true joy, contentment, and happiness in the mundane of daily life.

What goes hand in hand with this is gratitude. When you live with reverence for life, even in the mundane—you see all of the many gratitudes you might have been missing. I know this has been true for myself. I’m not lying when I say I really have this reverence for my daily life—whether it be working at my full-time job or contract jobs, showing up to a 5 AM CrossFit class, writing for Start Going Further, or anything else. I’m honestly grateful for all of the little moments. I don’t want to take anything for granted, and there’s been plenty of times in my life where I have.

So ask yourself this, what can you do to be happier in your daily life (which is YOUR LIFE FYI)?

My Advice is to:

Enjoy the cup of coffee, enjoy WAKING UP for the gift that it is.

Do something for yourself every day to stay centered in gratitude and present in your life (meditation, yoga, breath-work, reading, exercise).

Don’t miss your daily life. Don’t even miss the mundane. Because if you do, you’ll end up MISSING your life. And I believe this is something all of us would regret.

Recognize every single day for the gift that it is.

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